Cedric captured along with his father
Cedric meets Sophia for the first time
Cedric gets hugged by Sophia
Cedric's friends try to convince him to help
Cedric is amused by his father's performance
Cedric looks out the window
Cedric catches the football
Cedric is down in the dumps
Cedric overhears a secret...
Cedric with his girlfriend
Cedric and his buddy stargazing
Cedric has a horrific nightmare about Bonneville Knox
Sophia gives Cedric a warm hug
Cedric and Sophia riding bikes together
Cedric tells Sophia about his ancestor, Excalibur
Cedric and his girlfriend formally dressed
Cedric offers his love flowers
Going for a moonlight canoe ride with her boyfriend
Cedric tries to warn his girlfriend
Cedric and Sophia are busted
Cedric feuds with his best friend
'Oh Pop,You're All Heart' Cedric Hugs His Father
Cedric When He Was A Baby
Awww.....A Father And Son Photo
Awww.....Cyril And Cedric Hug
Bert, Cedric, and Ralph dressed up in costumes
Ralph, Bert and Cedric (1)
Ralph, Bert and Cedric (2)
Bert, Ralph, Bentley and Cedric
Ingrid, Melissa, Ralph, Bert, Cedric, and Lady Baden-Baden
Sir Malcolm Havelock, Bert, and Cedric
Cedric, Melissa, and Snag